Discussion Quotes and Comments 17 - Selections from Kevin Davies - Comp.

Hi all,

Tonight's last Discussion Quotes and Comments are on the following selections from our last text, Comp. by Kevin Davies. Please read "Apocryphon", "Karnal Bunt," and "Untitled Poem from the First Clinton Administration" and quote any and all interesting passages and post why they drew your attention.

Thanks for a great discussion today. We'll cover a few more Terrance Hayes poems tomorrow before getting into themes in Comp. This is our last text and our last class- thanks for all your hard work.


  1. Alexandra Liggett

    1) From Karnal Bunt- "These cheesy little hypertexts are going to get better. I don’t know how much better, but we’ll see." This was interesting to me because Davies is almost mocking himself but is also being humorous. This humor is subtle, but it's evident all throughout his work

    2) From Apocryphon- "The kind of tough, stringy, and foul-tasting duck a sea gull makes at table in the postwar DP forties, learning rope. Actually buying soap at the drug bodega,The posthumous jukebox of passion plays what it wants." This fascinated me because I feel like Davies is in a way saying that "the jukebox of passion" can't help itself in which it simply does what it wants. I think this symbolizes love and the fact that you can't help who you love.

  2. Olivia Longshore
    1. From Kevin Davies “Apocryphon,” one quote that caught my attention was, “We were brought into this world to advance the plot dad always said”. This quote stuck out to me because Davies diminishes the significance of the individual because that is what he has been taught. The quote is pretty morbid in a scene that humans tend to make themselves the main character in their own lives, but on a broader spectrum most individuals hold little significance to the grand scheme of things

    2. In “Karnal Bunt,” by Kevin Davie, one quote i found interesting is “The American Dream’s a pyramid scheme, reborn every minute.” I liked this quote because it addresses the misconception of the American Dream and how North America used it as propaganda to attract people to our country. When Davies says that it is “reborn every minute” i think he means that every minute new person falls for the scheme and false idea of the American Dream.

  3. Keagan Giblin
    August 2, 2017
    In Kevin Davies “Comp.” in “Apocryphon,” the poet writes, “We were brought into this world to advance the plot dad always said”. I find this quote to be interesting because it reflects how the speaker was brought up to know that their actions make a difference. The quote also reflects that with newer generations comes newer ideas. It reminds me that everyone has a purpose in the world and that without newer generations the “world’s plot” would never advance or thicken.

    In Kevin Davies “Comp.” in “Karnal Bunt,” the line that stuck out at me was “These cheesy little hypertexts are going to get better. I don’t know how much better, but we’ll see”. I found this quote interesting because I felt it was comical and also grim. The speaker is admitting to the fact that the hypertexts are cheesy and will get better which is serious, but then goes on to say he is unsure of how “much” better they can get and explains “we’ll see” which is humorous.

  4. Kylie Simmons
    August 2, 2017

    After reading "Apocryphon" by Kevin Davies, the quote "by standing on the edge and peering in, we influence development" caught my attention. I thought this was interesting because it made me question what it meant. How could we influence something if we are simply observing?
    Another quote from "Apocryphon" I liked was "forget this testing business, that's school." I liked this quote because school is heavily based upon testing, and it being exam week was very fitting. I wonder what Davies was comparing to a test, or what he thought was being tested.

  5. Brieanna Graves
    August 2, 2017

    My first quote I found interesting Karnal Bunt is " I don’t know how much better, but we’ll see." This quote could be used in everyday life proving that you aren't sure how something will go but you won't know unless you try, and thats why I felt it was the best quote in this story.

    My second quote is from Apocryphon and it is "The kind of tough, stringy, and foul-tasting duck a sea gull makes at table in the postwar DP forties, learning rope." Personally this quote didn't make sense, but the way it sounded when I was reading it stuck out so I chose this one.

  6. Kylie Rodriguez
    August 2, 2017

    From the Karnal Bunt I appreciated the quote: "I love the look of humans when they sit or stand still and when they move around". I can connect with this because humans are such fascinating creatures. Everything a human does is just mesmerizing because we just act without thinking and that we are able to.
    My second quote is from Apocryphon and it's "Words in the process of becoming cash crops." To me this means that the words we speak are just simply valuable and can either turn into cash or maybe even not sell and not bring in the cash.

  7. Kevin Clifford

    The first quote I thought was really interesting from Kevin Davies was from “Karnal Bunt”. He said, “These cheesy little hyper texts are going to get better. I don’t know how much better, but we’ll see”. I thought it was kind of funny that he said that, and I wonder what his idea behind it was. Is he being critical of his own work, or does it have some sort of deeper meaning?

    My second quote has to do with “Apocryphon” where he says “Uncles and aunts driving away to charges later reduced to booze-induced melancholy”. This quote just seemed kind of bizarre to me and I wonder if this is something that actually happened to him in real life.

  8. the first quote I found to be interesting is this, “We were brought into this world to advance the plot dad always said''. this quote means a lot, in my opinion, it means that we where put on this earth for a reason and that reason was pat of a greater good.

    the second quote I found to be interesting was this, ''What gets me is the robots are doing my job, but I don’t get the money, some extrapolated node of expansion-contraction gets my money, which I need for time travel.'' this quote has a lot to do with modern day issues, robots re taking jobs everywhere and its a big issue humans need jobs for money to survive.

    p.s its been real lit2000 hope to see you guys around

  9. August 2, 2017

    One quote that stood out to me from “Karnal Bunt” is “Curiosity pieces itself together between acts of familiar treachery, this is normal”. This stood out to me because if someone betrayals you or lies to you about something, you become very curios as to why they would do that. This quote is very accurate and I think that is also why it stood out to me.

    A quote from “Apocryphon” that I found interesting was “You get to be different by changing your handwriting”. This quote stood out to me because it is easy for people to start writing in a different way and by doing this they can feel totally different and like a new person.

  10. Daniella Alamo

    I like the quote in "Karnal Bunt" by Kevin Davie that says "The American Dream's a pyramid scheme, reborn every minute." I think Davie is really questioning the American Dream that so many get caught up in. He is criticizing it by calling it a "pyramid scheme" that's reborn every minute because Americans fall for it so often.

    The second quote I found to be interesting was “We were brought into this world to advance the plot dad always said''. It really stood out to me because we all want to believe we have a reason for being here, a purpose and its up to us to discover what that is.

  11. "Words in the process of becoming cash crops. Verbal exhaustion trying to stand in for millennia of solar-eclipse data hoarded by the priestly caste." This quote was taken from apocryphon. This quote specifically grabbed my attention because it can be interpreted so many different ways. I would, however, like to know what the author meant by this.

    "I'm propped against a tree I didn't plant, a tentacle-held paradigm that is the policy of our organ."
    This interested me because it seemed like such a unique and complex way to describe a tree. I would also be interested to see what he actually meant, if not to be literal.

  12. Julia Weisberg
    Julia weisberg

    The first quote I found interesting was " we were brought into this world to advance the plot dad always said". This is from Apocryphon and I liked it because it felt relatable and I like the meaning that we were put on this world for a reason.

    The second quote I like was from Karnal Brunt when it says "I love the look of humans when they sign or stand still and when they move around". I liked it because it was interesting and watching people is fascinating.

  13. Carolyn Collins
    August 2, 2017

    One quote from Kevin Davies “Apocryphon” that stood out to me was “The posthumous jukebox of passion plays what it wants”. I think this quote means that people can’t control how they feel. Also, that emotions can get the best of people.

    Another quote that I liked was from “Karnal Bunt” by Kevin Davies that states, “These cheesy little hypertexts are going to get better. I don’t know how much better, but we’ll see.” I found it interesting because Davie’s is criticizing his own work and says it will improve, but he can’t be sure of the outcome. This is relatable because no one can be certain of how the future will turn out.

  14. tyler crane
    "I love to be an international unit in the measure of the loading of the fissures in the communal membrane into silos on a prairie in a basement by a government of souls in trouble at a party
    with martinis for a long time".
    I thought this quote, although it is not the full sentence, was funny. I like he kept adding more detail, and imagery to a single image.

    I also liked the quote "These cheesy little hypertexts are going to get better". I found it funny that he would use the word cheesy to describe something.

  15. "These cheesy little hypertexts are going to get better. I don’t know how much better, but we’ll see."
    This line from Karnal Bunt shows some lack of confidence in his writing. Is he really unsure about what he is writing or is this just a parody or little bit of comedy and sarcasm writing in?

    "The posthumous jukebox of passion plays what it wants"
    Im not really sure what this line means but for some reason it stands out to me. My interpretation is that when we die we have no control over our reputation any more what people do with we left behind, we can cannot control what people think of us after death.

  16. "These cheesy little hypertexts are going to get better. I don’t know how much better, but we’ll see.”
    This quote stood out to me because it is relatable, it is unusual to see a writing talk about their flaws in a very naturally verbal way as if he was just talking to the reader. In Karnal Bunt, this quote is stated and I note it due how every individual sees their own personal strengths and weaknesses and everyone naturally craves the desire to better their weaknesses and the poet explains how his “cheesy” words will eventually get better.

    "Memories of overdevelopment”
    This quote was stated in the Apocryphon and it stood out to me because of its thick simplicity. I looked up the literal definition to overdevelopment to understand that it refers to a way of seeing global inequality that focuses on the negative consequences of excessive consumption. It exists as the mutually constitutive counterpart to the more commonly known concept of 'underdevelopment’. I see the importance of this short insert as maybe a futuristic embodiment looking back on current times because our world is dealing with the global issues currently.

  17. Isabeau Cordes
    1. "If you don't believe a science, don't misquote it"
    I really like this as I feel it can be applied to many different areas. I do not think science is just meant to be about science as we typically think of it, but it could mean any area of thought in which people occasionally have their doubts, even religion. If you don't believe in something you shouldn't try to slander it.

  18. To be honest, all of these poems did not really make sense to me, but in Karnal Bunt, "never ignore a protein source or no complaining if you do." This stood out to me because it kind of means don't take what you have for granted and don't complain if you do.

  19. One quote I really liked was from "Apocryphon." It stated "We were brought into this world to advance the plot dad always said." I found this quote very interesting as it is relevant to our purpose in this life. It makes since and is very true if you think about it.
    Another quote that I found interesting was from that same text, and it was "you get to be different by changing your handwriting." I don't have a clear understanding of what this quote means, by I really like that that is the way he views being "unique"

  20. Anthony Duarte
    August 2, 2017

    A quote from Kevin Davies “Apocryphon” that I found interesting and caught my attention was the following: “We were brought into this world to advance the plot dad always said”. The reason it caught my attention was because I thought of it as every person in the world has a meaning and a purpose that will affect this world, like a butterfly effect, and move its plot forward.

    Another quote I found interesting was from “Karnal Bunt” and it said the following: “The American Dream's a pyramid scheme, reborn every minute”. This quote also interested me because I interpreted it as Americas pyramid scheme is always changing because everyone has a chance in advancing.

  21. First off in "Untitled Poem From The First Clinton Administration", Davies uses a quote comparing a litter to be one actual system. How is this possible? If there is a litter of breeds and they split up, how does it make any sense that the litter can be one system? Or is it kind of like a family tree, the further you spread the more you spread your "name"?

    The second question I have is just on the title of the book itself. Why would Davies call these poems comp, short for composition? Composition means the nature of somethings ingredients, and in this story Davies goes through multiple kind of life facts which he explains. Do you think he called this Comp to talk about the ingredients of life?

  22. From Karnal Bunt, I was intrigued by the quote "I love the look of humans when they sit or stand still and when they move around." this stuck put to me because it shows that Davies really has an eye for detail, which I like.

    From Apocryphon, the quote "The kind of tough, stringy, and foul-tasting duck a sea gull makes at table in the postwar DP forties" stood out to me. I like the adjectives and description that he uses here. It adds to his style.


  23. Ethan Vaughan 8/2
    Both from "Untitled Poem from the First Clinton Administration"

    1. "They don't care about the details but fuck with the structure and they'll crush your spine."

    Is Davies talking about the government here? Many people believe that the "establishment" in a Washington DC is guilty of going to insane lengths to keep the status quo.

    2. "Because the the strain of living a lie becomes studded with the opals of minor aristocracy."

    Is Davies talking about the middle class here? It seems like he's attacking the middle class, accusing them of living a lie in order to become a part of a minor aristocracy.

  24. Sean Butler

    From Apocryphon" - "We were brought into this world to advance the plot dad always said.”
    This quote seems as if the authors dad told him this when he was kid for motivation. He could be saying that everything you do happens for a reason.

    From "Karnal Bunt"- "The American Dream's a pyramid scheme, reborn every minute."
    I feel as if the author is trying to tell his audience that the American Dream doesn't happen to everyone as many people believe it does. Many people believe they will achieve it but may fall short.

  25. In "Apocryphon" by Kevin Davies, "standing on the edge and peering in, we influence development" was a really interesting quote because it shows that when we take a step back, we see a different perspective on things, and we can learn better that way and "develop" better.
    In Karnal Brunt's quote, "I love the look of humans when they sign or stand still and when they move around" brought my attention because its a different look on things. Examining things like that makes you appreciate things a lot more.

  26. 7/2/17

    From Karnal Blunt "I love the look of humans when they sit or stand still and when they move around"

    This quote is interesting to me because Davies basically covers each thing person can do: sit, stand, and move around. Seems like weird thing to say, not quite sure what it means.

    From Apocryphon: "The kind of tough, stringy, and foul-tasting duck a sea gull
    makes at table in the postwar DP forties, learning rope"

    This section caught my eye because of its absurdity: it seems like complete jibberish, and probably means nothing. But, its so specific that it makes me wonder if it actually does mean something in particular


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