
Showing posts from June, 2017

DQ3 - 6/29/17

Hi, all. DQ3 questions should be based on The Sun Also Rises pages 40-80 and/or 80-120. As before, the questions are due by seven tonight, and the reading up to page 120 is due tomorrow. Thanks for another great discussion. Looking forward to your thoughts tomorrow. Keep watch on the Announcements on our Blackboard page for how to start searching for Academic Essays that I mentioned today. I highly recommend starting to search for articles of interest, and to look at the texts we'll be reading next via the schedule for the class, to see which text interests you most. This will be part of your homework this weekend, besides another group of pages from TSAR

DQ 2 - 6/28/17

Please post your discussion questions (100 words minimum, total for both questions) for The Sun Also Rises , pages 1-40 and/or 41-80. The homework is to continue reading the novel up to pg 80. Thanks for a great discussion today- see y'all tomorrow.

DQ 1 - Tuesday 6/27

Hi all, DQ1 questions (two questions, at least 100-150 words total) can be based on "Hills Like White Elephants" found in the course library, as well as any of the Hemingway Short Stories also in the Course Library, or the first 40 pages of The Sun Also Rises which is due by tomorrow (after tonight, the remaining DQs for the week will be on The Sun Also Rises ). Just click on Post Comment and leave your name. Please see the syllabus for guidelines and suggestions for DQs before you post your first question. Looking forward to having a class discussion on your questions tomorrow.